How do I move entries from one director to another?

There will be times where a director makes an entry for an event incorrectly. This could be a variety of reasons:

  1. Student is participating in an event in an alternate region
  2. Previous director was removed suddenly from position
  3. A new director didn't yet have a log in
  4. Director has multiple log ins and used the wrong one
  5. A director entered students for another director to "help out" but since students are always tied to the director who entered them, the students are not showing up for the director who will be actually taking them to competition

If the deadline has not passed, this is a simple fix. Just have the director make the correct entry and delete the incorrect entry.

However, if the deadline has passed, or the event has already happened before the director contacted you, there are steps you as the Executive Regional Secretary will need to take.

  1. Find the event in question.
  2. Remove the deadline date of the competition temporarily so the director can make their entry.

    Once the entry is made/done, change the deadline date back, reclosing the event.

  3. If the event has already happened, you will then need to enter the scores and certify an qualifying students as 1C.

  4. Then you can delete the incorrect entry.

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