Managing Inactive Directors

It is not unusual for directors to move on to new positions outside of a region or to take a position at another school in the same region. When this happens, the director needs to set up a new username and password. This has caused the Director List in many regions to become very long and full of directors that are no longer active.

Executive Regional Secretaries can mark a director as inactive to "hide" them from the list. There is also a filter to allow the user to select to "Show" or "Hide" directors letting the user manage the list view.

To mark a director as Inactive:

  1. Log in as an Executive Regional Secretary
  2. Navigate to the Director List
  3. There is a column to the right of the screen that says "Inactive"

  4. To mark a director "Inactive" select the check box. A success message will display.

    NOTE: When a director is marked as "Inactive" they will no longer be able to sign into

  5. To see all directors, both active and inactive, click the filter to "Show Inactive Directors".

  6. To only see Active directors, click the filter to "Hide Inactive Directors".

This will make the Director List much easier to manage without the need to put fake information in profiles which can cause issues with entries from previous years.

When a director is marked as Inactive, that director will no longer be able to sign in to If that director attempts to log in, they will see the following message:

If the director has been marked "Inactive" by mistake, the Executive Regional Secretary will need to log into and remove the check box for that director.

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