How can I export my Ratings

As a Regional Executive Secretary, you may need to export your ratings for various purposes. Here's a step-by-step guide to assist you:

Log in

For events from the current year:

On the home screen select which type of event you want to pull ratings for – C&SR, Solo & Ensemble, or Region Marching 

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Once the user has selected the type of event, the user would locate the event they wanted to export results of and select the icon under the “Report” column.  This will open a new page that the user can then print or save

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For events from previous years:

Select which type of event you want to pull ratings for – C&SR, Solo & Ensemble, or Region Marching.  Each event type has its own box.

Within the box of the event type, click the Archived Reports/Entries link

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This will open a new page

Select the filters desired

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Click Get Report

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