Why aren't my students showing up on the TSSEC entry screen

The biggest question asked is usually "Why can't I see my students on the TSSEC screen. This happens for two reasons:

  1. Another director took the students in the UIL Regional event. Since students and events are tied to the director who took the students to the event they qualified for TSSEC at, only that director will see the students in their account.

    For example: School A has two band directors - Mr. Adams and Ms. Lewis.

    - Mr Adams entered all of the students for all of the Solo & Ensemble UIL Regional events. Any students who qualified for TSSEC at those events will be listed under Mr. Adams account.

    - Ms. Lewis is looking for those students but they will not be displayed in her account since Mr. Adams took the students to the Regional Event. Only Mr. Adams will be able to register those students that qualified for TSSEC.

    If entries need to be moved from one director to another, the Regional Secretary would need to be contacted.

  1. The student's entry doesn't have a qualifying score and is therefore ineligible to participate in TSSEC. If the director believes that is an error, they need to contact their Region Executive Secretary to make the correction PRIOR to TSSEC Registration opening. This is a requirement by the State Office.

    Directors are instructed by the State Office to "Check to be sure every state-eligible entry (1st division Class 1 solos that met any applicable memory requirements and ALL 1st division Class 1 ensembles) are marked with a 1C (certified) in Texas Music Forms, as the system will not permit you to register events not labeled with a 1C. "

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