Utilizing Electronic Rating Sheets for Regional Events


  • Efficiency: Say goodbye to paper! Electronic judging sheets eliminate the need for printing, distributing, and collecting physical forms.
  • Organization: No more misplaced or lost sheets. Everything is stored securely online.
  • Security: Passwords ensure authorized access and prevent unauthorized alterations.

Judge Responsibilities:

Logging In:

  1. Visit Texasmusicforms.com and navigate to the homepage.
  2. Click on the Judges tile.

Selecting the Event:

  1. Click the Regional Concert and Sight-Reading button.

  2. Choose your region from the dropdown menu.

  3. Select the specific event you will be judging.

Entering Password and Selecting Judge Name:

  1. Enter the unique, secure password provided by your Regional Secretary. Click Validate Password.
    • If the password is incorrect, contact your Regional Secretary to verify.

  2. Select your name from the list of judges for the event.

Accessing Scoring Sheet:

  1. Click on the name of the school you will be rating in the left-hand menu. This will open the scoring sheet for that particular school and contest.

Completing the Scoring Sheet:

The Concert Rubric, accessible via a link at the top of each electronic judging sheet on Texasmusicforms.com, provides detailed descriptions for each scoring level across various performance aspects (Tone, Technique, Musicianship). Judges are encouraged to routinely reference the Concert Rubric while completing electronic ratings sheet.

  1. Fill out the descriptors for Tone, Technique, and Musicianship.
  2. Use the checkboxes or the dropdown menu to assign scores ( +, -, +/- ).

  3. Enter comments in the designated box for each descriptor.
  4. Utilize the notation symbols on the manuscript lines for quick grading.

  5. (Optional) Leave general comments on the second tab.

  1. Select the Final Rating from the dropdown menu.
  2. Confirm your selection in the "Confirm Your Selection" box.

  3. (Optional) Preview your judging sheet before submission by clicking the "Preview" button. This will display how the ratings sheet will be submitted. Once you are done previewing, use the Return button to return to the sheet.

Saving and Submitting:

  1. In case of poor internet connection, use the "Local Save" button to save the sheet on your computer and submit it later.

  2. Once finished and satisfied with your scores and comments, click "Submit Ratings".

Congratulations! You have successfully completed the electronic judging process on Texasmusicforms.com.

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