Managing Concert & Sight Reading events

Managing Concert & Sight Reading events

After you have logged in, click the red “C&SR” tile at the top of the screen. This will bring you to a page that will list any existing events that may already exist as well as allow you to Add or Modify existing events.

Create a new event

Modify an existing event

Delete an event

View entries for an event

Schedule an event


To create a new event:

  1. Click the green + sign in the upper right corner.
  2. A new screen will open.
  3. Fill in the Event Name
  4. Select the Division of the event
  5. Select the dates relevant to the event.
    1. The Event Date - the date the event will actually take place.
    2. The a.       Soft deadline for entries - the date late fees will be added to entries.  For example: if the soft deadline is 9/23/2023 and a director enters students on 9/24/2023, if you have entered a late fee, that entry will be assessed the late fee.
    3. Real a.       deadline – the date entries can no longer be made for this event.
  6. Fees: You may enter fees for each performing group type.  Each fee applies individually.
    1. Varsity Entry Fees, Recording Fees, State Fees
    2. Non-Varsity Fees, Recording fees, State Fees
    3. Sub Non-Varsity Fees, Recording fees, State Fees
    4. Late Fees - Late fee will be automatically added to entries entered after the SOFT deadline date in addition to the fees set above
    5. Alternative payment option - this may be used when multiple regions take turn hosting an event (This is common in Twirling.).
      EX:  Reg 28 and Reg 15 are small so they combine twirling contests and take turns hosting. So if Reg 28 is hosting this year, you may add Reg 28 address to Reg 15 entries so that checks get sent to Reg 28.
  7. Judges - enter  three judges for Concert and three for Sight Reading. If you aren’t sure who the judges will be at the time you create the event, enter TBD. You can enter them later.
    1. You will also need to enter a password for the Judges. You will need to provide this password to the Judges for them to log in and judge the students for the event. 
  8. Click the green “Create C/SR Event” button

Insert an element

To modify an existing event

  1. Find the event you wish to modify
  2. Click the pencil icon to the right of the event
  3. This will open  a new window with all of the details of the event
  4. Make the changes you wish to make
  5. Click the green “Modify C&SR Event” button

Insert an element

To Delete an existing event

  1. Find the event you wish to delete
  2. Click the minus icon to the right of the event
  3. Click Delete Event to confirm the deletion
  4. Click OK to delete the event
  1. If you change your mind and don’t want to delete the event, click the blue “Back” button

Insert an element

  1. Click the “people” icon to the right of the event you wish to see entries for
  2. This will open a new screen with a list of all the entries that have been made for the event

Insert an element

Schedule event

  1. Click the “clock” icon to the right of the event
  2. This will open a new window with all of the entries for the event
  3. Enter a number in the sequence box to indicate the order you wish the entrants to perform


  4. Enter times you want the entrants to perform

  5. Click the “Schedule” button. This will arrange the entries 

C&SR Reports

Additional information on reports can be found here.

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